
Video: Machine Civilization

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce3/27/2011 6:03:49 pm PDT

re: #8 Gus 802

Oh crap. I was talking to an acquaintance of mine and somehow we got on the topic of 911. Long story short, he pull the old “the Pentagon was hit by a missile” routine. I said “you really believe that?” And responded by saying “show me” and I said, “OK I will” and then he said “but I won’t believe it. Finally as I was leaving I asked him, “so what happened with the 757?” And he said “what plane?” A jeez. People, people, people are wacky.

You can’t convince a dedicated Truther. All the photos of aircraft parts on the lawn of the Pentagon? Evidence planted. The the light pole that was clipped by the wing of the plane, smashing Lloyd England’s taxi cab? Planted. And on and on forever.

In many ways, arguing with a Truther is like trying to talk a schizophrenic out of their delusions. You can’t do it. You can show them evidence all day long, and all you’ll get for your trouble is a bunch of assertions that the evidence you’ve provided is fabricated in some way, and that you’re a bleating sheep, or actually part of the global disinformation apparatus.