
Fox News Debate Ringers: Anti-Immigrant Hate Group and Corporate Shill

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/23/2011 12:15:19 pm PDT

There is the deeper issue. There were of course, no questions that actually challenged these cretins. It was pure political kabuki in a bubble. It was shielded from pesky questions that involve actual facts like projections from the CBO on their policies, or the findings of the legitimate scientific community, or how they can hate federal employment so much when their respective states rely on it, or what their ties are to corporate backers or questions about their strong revisions of history etc… etc… etc…

This was pure theatre from the start masquerading as a debate and masquerading as an exchange of information.

No real information was ever let into the bubble.

This was a disturbing trend with W. Bush that has only accelerated. Fox and GOP types can’t allow pesky facts to challenge their group think and they effective lull their less than inquisitive audience into thinking that the group think presented is the only think.

Thought police need look no further. These are well oiled propagandists. Part of their propaganda is pretending to be news.