
IDF Video: Background on Gaza Conflict

Ayatollah Ghilmeini1/04/2009 1:20:08 pm PST

The operational tempo of the fight so far and the casualty reports are looking like Hamas’ formal resistance is much weaker than expected. There is plenty of tough fighting ahead but I expected a lot more casualties in the first 24 hours of ground combat. To say this is a pleasant surprise, is to understate the case.

While there were going to be few casualties in moving up to close assault the Gaza city, the army went right in hard (you don’t stop to let the enemy catch their breath), it seems to have utter disrupted Hamas battle plan.

If the trend continues, this will be one of the more lopsided of Israel’s victories. And Hamas, who talked such big words about Israel’s powerlessness and fear of fighting are shown to be weak and cowards to boot.

Unless Hamas has huge uncommitted resources, Gaza City may be under control in a couple more days.

If this all bears out it is huge.

G-d please let it be so.