
The Benghazi Fake Scandal Returns at

Mad Prophet Ludwig12/11/2012 2:10:50 pm PST

re: #247 Dark_Falcon

PLL, I’ll vouch for Ludwig on that last: He’d never support any harm coming to the Dome of the Rock and the Mosque of Omar. He understands their religious import and their architectural value. H’s not some sort of ‘talib’ who would try to erase the places of another religion.

I’m opening another can of worms here, but I’ll speak for myself on the Temple Mount.

It isn’t theirs.

If part of peace means keeping those structures standing on our holiest site, then I am for peace. Haters please re-read that before anything else. I see letting those mosques stand as the price of a peace that has never come about, and despite the horrible cultural blow it signifies, I see peace as more important.

However, in a better world people would not pretend that it is ok to build their stuff on other’s holiest sites and deny the history at the same time. I don’t give a damn about the architecture or the significance to the people who squat on the Temple mount - because it isn’t theirs and their culture is not more important than mine.