
GOP Creationists Pass Anti-Evolution Bill in Tennessee

281 4:29:22 pm PDT

re: #267 CuriousLurker

I do feel as strongly about the awful things going on in the rest of the world as I do about what goes on in Israel.

There is a difference, though, in that the reporting about what happens in other areas, is pretty straight-up; whereas I see a lot of anti-Israel bias in many reports about what goes on in Israel. An example: If Israel responds to an attack (often unreported) the headline will more often than not be, “Israel attacks such and such”, and the fact that it’s a response to something that came their way FIRST will be buried in the story somewhere as an aside. Stories about what goes on in Israel often need more digging before one can figure out what’s really happened.

I’m not knee-jerk pro-Israel. It just seems to me that reporting on events there leaves a lot to be desired, and so I take whatever I hear with a huge grain of salt.

Just my .02.