
The Troubling Treatment of Journalists During Ferguson Coverage

Lidane8/19/2014 9:29:33 am PDT

Focusing on the important things:

WND Columnist: African Americans Should Be Protesting Abortion Rights, Not Ferguson Shooting

Mychal Massie of WorldNetDaily is angry about protests in Ferguson, Missouri, saying that the small number of people who have turned to violence mean the protestors are no better than the Ku Klux Klan.

“These blacks, those like them and those who sympathize with them, are equivalent to toxic allergens making blacks allergic to civilized behavior,” Massie writes. “I say it is time for blacks to be treated as the KKK have been.”

Massie attacks Michael Brown, the unarmed teenager who was killed by a Ferguson police officer last week, as a “‘gangsta’ wannabe [who] made a bad decision that led to his death” and President Obama for exhibiting a “form of hebephrenia.” Massie then writes that black people should be rioting…to stop legal abortion’s “feasting on the blood of innocent blacks.”

Rather than protesting the killing of a “black thug,” Massie posits that African Americans should be outraged that “their population is being systematically eliminated by abortionists with the approval and applause of Obama.”