
Watch Live: President Obama Delivers the State of the Union Address (Enhanced Version)

Timothy Watson1/20/2015 6:54:26 pm PST

re: #240 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

I don’t know the economic backgrounds of my classmates. I don’t even pretend to do so. I am just relating my personal experience from two years of community college that a significant number of my classmates struggled with course material that was at a less than introductory level. Others took an aimless assortment of courses and eventually dropped out with no degree and having used a considerable amount of financial aid and loans. That’s the reason I expressed concern over the concept of making community college free.
I’m sure there are details that I don’t know about for this plan but who knows what the final version of it may turn out to be, especially after if has to go through a Republican Congress.

Based on my time in both community college and an university, that type of problem isn’t exclusive to community colleges. I’m in a sophomore level accounting class and 98% of the students couldn’t solve a basic algebra problem.