
A Hilarious Bad Lip Reading Remix: Ted Cruz's GOP Convention Speech

Blind Frog Belly White7/26/2016 8:31:38 am PDT

re: #249 dangerman

One problem that Third Parties have is that they don’t have a nominating process. Well, they DO, but it’s lacking the excitement and pageantry of the majors, largely because nobody’s ever heard of the folks running. So, while he Dems and Reps have been in the news for a year now, news cycle after news cycle, third parties sit in obscurity, eventually nominating somebody that gets reporters running to Wikipedia to figure out just who the fuck this is.

And if the DNC had shut Bernie out, the Republican Primary would be the only game in town for a year. And Hillary would not have had any chance to hone her message or her debate performance. Remember Obama’s first debate performance in 2012?

A contest, even an uneven one, sharpens the steel, AND keeps you in the news.