
Overnight Hope-a-Dope

Buster Bunny1/29/2009 2:02:20 am PST

re: #266 Sprite

I do NOT believe that creationism should be taught in science classes. Period. But to ridicule the ‘thought’ of a Divine creation, which also incorporates evolution is repugnant.

The most dangerous thing that is happening in Americas classrooms today is the revision of their textbooks by political influences outside of the classroom. With this happening, we will be taught whatever the commercial entity of the day chooses, or a historical text that ‘appeases’ the murderous intimidators of our educational forums.

Make no mistake, education is the first battle that needs to be won.

People need to be able to count, read, write and work out from teachers what is ACTUALLY best for them, not what will make them hate other people better.