
Mitt #Romney Pushes "They're Taking God Off Our Money" Conspiracy Theory in Virginia

goddamnedfrank9/08/2012 8:00:31 pm PDT

If Obama wins the GOP’s back will be broken, even (especially) if they control both sides of congress. The conventional wisdom in the party will be that they didn’t nominate someone conservative enough so the new game will be who can make the biggest, most treasonous ass of himself. They’ll hold the debt ceiling hostage a couple more times, and S&P will bring the axe handle down on their heads, leaving them as stunned fish quivering in their death throws.

In 2016 they’ll be facing a seasoned set of female Dems. If Hillary wants the nomination is probably hers, with DWS, Gilibrand, and Duckworth as potential VP choices. At that point the confluence of demographics and the issues will just roll over and smother the GOP like an avalanche.

No matter what it’s going to be a close election, just because Obama is black and hasn’t been able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again in four years. However if he wins we may be witnessing the end of the GOP as a viable national party.