
Now We Know Why Tillerson Called Trump a "Moron" - He Wanted to Increase the US Nuclear Arsenal Tenfold

EPR-radar10/11/2017 3:04:19 pm PDT

re: #269 retired cynic

Charlie Pierce makes a serious call for President Obama to come to the rescue. IMO, he can talk, and even that is enough to make the crazies louder. Boy, I wish we could go “shazam” and have him back! The direct call to Obama starts about halfway through the essay.

That’s a good essay. For example:

Long ago, I wrote that your capital error in politics was that you offered this country absolution without demanding penance. Look at where that’s gotten us. If you honestly believe in the America you described in Boston, then goddamn it, fight for it against the people to whom it is anathema. It’s time to join the resistance full-time, if you have the stomach for it. A madman is begetting more madmen and, frankly, I don’t know how much time we have left.