
Barney Frank Surrenders to the Paulians

HelloDare8/31/2009 11:42:50 am PDT

All is not lost. Comments to an LA Times opinion piece supporting Obama’s position on Honduras. Couldn’t find one that wasn’t negative.

Didn’t you know that the reason why Zelaya broke the law so many times, which led to his constitutional removal, was because he was siding and following Hugo Chavez’s orders? If you help bring Zelaya back you will be having Chavez and Iran closer to your borders.

Sonia @ 9:50 AM PDT, Aug 31, 2009

This article was unbelievably PATHETIC. Study the facts. Zelaya repeatedly ran roughshod over the HONDURAN CONSTITUTION. Any nation has a right to protect their constitution. As the Supreme Court ordered his arrest, it was not a coup or junta.

James Padgett @ 9:50 AM PDT, Aug 31, 2009

To many Hondurans, this was not a coupe at all. It was Zelaya that was not acting by democratic principles but tyranical. Why is US backing a man that appears to of have dictatoracal desires for Honduras & has close allies of the same mind? Perhaps you should dig deeper on this story.

Lora Pace @ 9:47 AM PDT, Aug 31, 2009

This article, fails to establish the facts surrounding Mr. Zelaya’s removal as President of Honduras and that most people in Honduras does not support his return to power. Recent Harris Poll results corraborate this, when 85 percent of Hondurans oppose his reinstatement.

Salvador Catracho @ 9:22 AM PDT, Aug 31, 2009

Where do you live in a cave? I live in Honduras and it is beyond obvious for us living here who is behind Zelaya. Who has been flying him all over the region for the last 60 days? Zelaya has the right to come back to Honduras and defend himself in court not as president.

Bob @ 9:05 AM PDT, Aug 31, 2009

While it may have been better to simply arrest Zelaya and not take him out of the country, it appears that proper channels have been taken. The military acted on the behest of the Supreme Court and the Legislature. Members of Zelaya’s own government supported his ouster.

Tom @ 7:20 AM PDT, Aug 31, 2009

Do you have a clue what is going on in Honduras? You need only to read the Honduran constitution to know that Zelaya automatically removed himself from office, that the military carried out an arrest order, and that the civilian authority is in control! What planet do you spend most of your time on?


You fail to include all the Zelaya’s illegal actions that lead to his removal from office.The millitary may have acted on Supreme court orders when they arrested him. Two days before they arrested him he(Zelaya) took a mob into an Air Force Base to retreived seized ballots.

Marco @ 6:22 AM PDT, Aug 31, 2009

The authors suggest that the US force Honduras to violate their own constitution by allowing someone that the courts and the legislature took out for violating their constitution. This would be laughable if it weren’t so pernicious. You guys are on the wrong side ont his one.

MK @ 6:18 AM PDT, Aug 31, 2009

The authors are correct that a coup has occurred in HN. The coup leader was Zelaya. He went against the HN constitution. Why should our government be willing to support Zelaya? In doing so we are befriending Chavez and Castro. The mistake the HN government made was by not putting Zelaya on trial.