
Ahmadinejad Mocks Obama's 'Change' Slogan

mich-again6/27/2009 11:54:21 am PDT
Obama’s diplomatic initiative with Iran lies in ruins,

Who could have seen that coming? /

You can’t reason with insanity. You can’t trust a wild animal. You can’t make an deal with a cheater.

The best way to deal with Ahmadinejad is to mock him, refer to him only as the disputed President of the Islamic Republic, and at every turn scoff at and ridicule the charade posing as free elections in Iran.

The Mullahs and the Dinner Jacket are not worthy of any serious attempts at diplomacy. Make it clear that we will just wait until an honest leader emerges from the muck of the Islamic Kleptocracy and until then we will consider Iran a sworn enemy of the US and our interests.