
Jim Carrey Responds to Fox News: "A Media Colostomy Bag"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/29/2013 11:29:12 pm PDT

re: #278 stabby

Anybody interested in morality - not necessarily religious monotheists but anyone - would find problems with Ayn Rand and her vision of society.

Put simply, when faced with the One and The Many issue she just ignores it. The fanatical “libertarianism” that worships her fail to acknowledge that humanity exists both as individuals and as many people who compose one larger unit. Both are true. And when it comes to morality then we have to address what is “good” not just for the individual but for the entire unit. Moral codes eventually come down to the whole society impinging upon the individual for the sake over everyone.

And that is why there are governments and why governments create laws and regulations.

Anyway, I don’t expect the hate-marketed crowd at PJmedia to be open to the idea that Ayn Rand and her visions would be considered immoral in many different systems.