
New From Keith Olbermann: The Crisis of Trump's Conspiracy Theories

Anymouse 🌹🏑😷3/08/2017 4:00:20 am PST

re: #284 Fineday

Uh, fellow lizards, the claim that the hacking of the DNC actually was a false flag opration carried out by the CIA to make the World think that the Russians interfered with the US election is now on Breitbart Link

That means that Trump will probably start tweeting about it in a day or two.

If you choose to follow the link do not read the comments unless you are wearing a hazmat suit. Yikes! I only read the first few of them, and now I need to decontaminate.

Your link is structured incorrectly (you left the colon out).

The article is bad enough. The comments don’t show up in my browser (probably for the best).

Wingnuts used to despise Wikileaks (particularly when they published the Collateral Murder video showing the Army killing Iraqi civilians and Reuters news journalists).

Funny how fast they forget where they stood only a couple years ago.