
Possibly the Craziest Right Wing Video You'll See Today, Starring Glenn Beck

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)6/04/2013 2:32:36 pm PDT

Their own party report painted down what they are. They’re the party who will pat you on the pat once you have it made but they won’t lend a helping hand to help you make your fortune. They want to sell you this load of crap that they got to where they got through only their own wits and hard work. It’s like the Romney attempt to make something out of “You didn’t build that”, Obama was actually saying that we all have help along the way to our successes and Romney tried to make it out like Obama said people don’t create their own accomplishments. They really do combine the worst of laissez-faire economics with Calvinist so-con crap.