
North Korea Going Ahead with Missile Launch

Kenneth4/02/2009 11:01:26 am PDT

re: #262 realwest

In 2006 the UN passed a resolution banning NoKo from testing ballistic missiles.

That August, the six-party talks got under way and 13 months later produced a landmark accord calling for North Korea to abandon its nuclear program in exchange for economic aid, diplomatic recognition and a security guarantee from Washington.

But as the talks dragged on, North Korea in July 2006 test-fired six missiles, one of which U.S. and South Korean officials believe has the potential to strike Alaska. The launch angered even North Korea’s longtime ally and main donor, China, which in an unusual move agreed to a U.N. condemnation.

In October 2006 came an underground nuclear test followed by a U.N. resolution banning any ballistic activity by North Korea. The U.S., South Korea and Japan say that includes sending up satellites since the technology for launching a satellite and a missile are virtually the same.

North Korea is in violation of a UN resolution. Not that that has stopped thugs & dictators in the past.