
Sunday Jam: Terence Blanchard's Tribute to Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Et Al

No Malarkey!8/09/2015 7:05:23 pm PDT

re: #282 Pawn of the Oppressor

Aw well it’s not academic, just kind of a rant on my part. I do feel like you could quote-mine the whole chapter though, because it paints a clear picture of the post-war “State’s Rights” whitewash as the Everest-sized turd it is.

And Missouri? Jumpin’ jet-skiin’ Jesus, if Lincoln had The Bomb he should have used it there… My god… David Atchison and his little party of agitators were outright terrorists. John Brown was no peach either, of course, but to have a State Governor openly calling for terrorist murder of anti-slavery settlers?? And not a peep from the Pierce Administration to stop it. Just unbelievable.

“Stuff they didn’t teach you in history class”, indeed. Yes, I remember hearing about the events, but oddly a lot of the quotes and attitudes were left out of my AP U.S. History class…

And if you didn’t hear about it, AP History has just been white-washed to remove racism and white supremacy to appease the Right.