
Overnight Open Thread

Kosh's Shadow5/05/2009 7:21:18 am PDT

Hamas is now sounding like Fatah:

Hamas has stopped launching rockets at Israel and is looking to establish a Palestinian state along the 1967 borders, the Islamist group’s political leader Khaled Mashaal told The New York Times in an interview published Monday. He went on to say that Hamas supported “a state on the 1967 borders, based on a long-term truce. This includes east Jerusalem, the dismantling of settlements and the right of return of the Palestinian refugees,” specifying that by a “long-term” agreement he meant 10 years.

Of course, with the “return of the Paliterrorist refugees”, by 10 years, Israel wouldn’t be a Jewish state, and the 1967 borders are suicide even if “refugees” didn’t return.

But this is enough to get the US, UN, and EU to pressure Israel even more to negotiate with Hamas, and even make a peace deal.