
Poseur Alert: Breitbart/CNN Commentator Dana Loesch Supported RomneyCare

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin10/09/2011 10:51:46 pm PDT

re: #279 HappyWarrior

True. Judges are like the rest of us, their opinions can and do evolve with the times. I guess that’s why I am skeptical of orginalist judicial philosophy. It’s also funny how Earl Warren, the icon of 60’s judicial liberalism had as governor of California supported the internment of the Japanese and David Souter was thought to be too conservative by some.

Yeah, he was an anti-Japanese rabblerouser as both gov. and AG. I think that’s why the JBS wanted to impeach Warren, basically for reasons of race-traitorship. Those types do not take to that so well lol

I also remember the cons gay-baiting


Souter. You mention not being an econ type - neither am I. When I first went to college, which was a somewhat notorious school I call Fundagelical U., there was this econ prof there who was…..I really don’t know how he got away with it.

Dude was straight up theatre queen - Might have even been out, for all I know, because he didn’t hide it, down to inviting the Econ grads to his (mother’s) house (where he lived) for seminars, then entertaining them with showtunes at the piano. Class A Milton Friedmanite. Odd, odd fellow, hell of an econ prof., reactionary as fuck. lol