
Holocaust-Denying Bishop Needs 'More Evidence'

notutopia2/09/2009 7:33:49 am PST

re: #264 Afrocity

Okay he has not repented. I am only saying that perhaps, just perhaps the Pope is allowing him back in the church to enlighten him. I may be comparing hamentashen to fried chicken here but I once had a colleague who said to my face that Slavery was a good thing for African Americians, he stated glibly that “Afterall it got you guys here and you have been ‘white man’s burden’ ever since…”

I could have not become friends with this man but I chose to. I became a pest by inviting him to movies and coffee houses to hear poetry. At the time I was a democrat and he was a Republican. Reluctantly he began to take me up on my invitations and would go and he seemed uncomfortable to be with a black person. This was Texas after all. We became good friends. One day he asked me “why do you want to hang out with me when I said the most horrid things about your race?”

I said because I wanted to prove to you that they were not true.

Wow. You are a most patient and persistent person. I value your humility and quite honestly, your fortitude.
Has he apologized for his hatred and bigotry though?