
Image: A Planet of Another Star

Bagua6/10/2010 4:54:44 pm PDT

P.Tatchell warns of poss muslim fundamentalist attacks on gays…

Gays get death threats from Islamists

London - 18 July 2005

“Gay venues could be bombed by Islamic terrorists. All gay bars and
clubs should introduce bag and body searches. Muslim fundamentalists
have a violent hatred of lesbians and gay men.
They believe we should
be killed. Our community could be their next target. This is no time
for complacency.”

The grim warning comes from Peter Tatchell of the gay human rights
group OutRage! in the wake of the 7 July terror attack on London.

Three of OutRage!’s leading members have received repeated death
threats from Islamic fundamentalists
in recent weeks and months.

Tatchell, Lock and Saeed have been told they are on a “hit list” and
are going to be “beheaded” and “chopped up”, in accordance with
“Islamic law”.

The same Islamic fundamentalists have also threatened “attacks” on the
whole gay community: “Just you wait, you’ll see”, they warned Peter
Tatchell in a chilling late night phone call. The caller said: “We are
going to punish you all…The punishment for sodomy is death.”