
Reuters Incorrectly Says Trump "Reversed" His Threat Not to Help NATO Allies

Scottish Dragon8/15/2016 3:01:09 pm PDT
Iā€™m continually amazed at how the media keeps trying to find evidence Donald Trump is ā€œpivotingā€ to a more reasonable approach, no matter how many times he yanks that football out from under them.

James Fallows referred to this particular phenomenon over the weekendā€¦

The media narrative ā€œThe underdog is improving and has a real shotā€ is simply too appealing as a plot device to let go of right now. So get used to seeing Trump isnā€™t as bad as we thought! memes for the next month.

Of curse, it also has utterly no basis in reality. News pundits just cannot resist putting everything into a some sort of potboiler plotline to string the viewing and reading public along until the debates.