
Video: Has the Earth Been Cooling for 10 Years?

Charles Johnson2/13/2010 4:02:24 pm PST

re: #22 Killgore Trout

I think it’s kinda odd that Fox news is reporting this “outrage” relying mostly on anonymous sources. I don’t think it’s going to be that bad for him unless somebody uncovers some other racist agenda from him. He is a Ron Paul supporter so it’s a possibility.

He also does standup comedy and hangs out with comedians a lot so I suspect that he’s used to speaking in a less PC tone, as comedians tend to do. It’s also a possibility that this is a manufactured incident designed to generate publicity for himself.

He was drunk during the Playboy interview too — malt whisky. Hittin’ the hard stuff. He has “not ready for massive success” syndrome.