
Video: Roland Martin on Birthers: 'They're Stupid'

Cato the Elder4/22/2010 11:09:46 am PDT

re: #23 Olsonist

stupid %P%ˈst(y)oōpid%P%adjective ( -pider, -pidest)

• lacking intelligence or common sense
• dazed and unable to think clearly
• informal used to express exasperation or boredom

No, birthers are not stupid. They’re lying; they’re trying to delegitimize Obama; but they are not stupid. That is just letting them off too easy.

When Clinton was massively popular and successful the Republicans couldn’t counter him on the issues and tried to delegitimize him with the successive un-scandals, Vince Foster, Whitewater, Lewinsky, …

Birtherism is about delegitimizing Obama and Birthers may not be geniuses but they are not stupid.

Disagree. The leaders are not stupid; their followers most definitely are.