
'Ground Zero Mosque' Imam Promoted America for the Bush Administration

Max8/12/2010 11:23:26 am PDT

re: #20 ShaunP

Speaking of Ronnie and the Glennster:

Imam Rauf - I wouldn’t say the United States deserved what happened on 9-11, but the United States’ policies were an accessory to the crime that happened.

Glenn Beck - When people said they hate us, well, did we deserve 9-11? No. But were we minding our business? No. Were we in bed with dictators and abandoned our values and principles? Yes. That causes problems.

Ron Paul - Have you ever read about the reasons they attacked us? They attack us because we’ve been over there. We’ve been bombing Iraq for 10 years…

Glenn Beck and Ron Paul are reactionaries. We can’t conduct our foreign policy like our 18th century Founders. That would be like going back to their systems of banking, transportation, and trade laws. It would wreck our global economic system.

Also, if they really are only mad because we’re over there, then why didn’t the Islamists attack us when we had peacekeeping troops on the Saudi-Yemen border in the 60s?