
Is the GOP Smarter Than the Animal Kingdom?

Gus8/18/2011 8:15:19 pm PDT

re: #16 b_sharp

Two species of ticks, Western Black Widow spiders, rattle snakes and scorpions have been moving north in Saskatchewan (betcha can’t pronounce that sucker) over the last 30 years.

What teh hell we need ‘em bugs fer? I have to save my God earned money in order to get an exterminatur to cum to ma house and get rid of those damn insects. Theys is bugs and pests and they can migrat up intos that socialist neighbor to the north teh People’s Republica of Canada. Hell, send all ‘em bugs to FRENCH Quebec. Heck we could use less bugs since we can’t kill ‘em since them libtards banned that there DDT! Why we might have less cases of mularia!!11ty