
Video: Samantha Bee on This Week's Ridiculous Media Whiplash

Interesting Times3/11/2017 5:43:44 pm PST

re: #280 freetoken

I know the hardcore trumpers are unreachable and would happily throw themselves off a cliff at the God-Emperor’s behest.

My concern is with all the people who couldn’t be bothered to vote (or, people who are normally apolitical but voted for trump because they were temporarily bedazzled by his celebrity and con-artist-speak).

At the risk of re-litigating the 2016 campaign yet again, this is indeed astounding:

Yes, the media gave trump a metric fuckton of free coverage and completely ignored Clinton’s policy speeches. All the more reason, however, for her campaign to have gone all-in on pro-Dem ad campaigns.

The takeaway here for 2018 (assuming things haven’t degenerated to Bannon’s wet-dream-social-breakdown by then) is, spend those fundraising dollars on combating voter suppression, talking to voters directly, and blanketing the airwaves with pro-Dem ads to make a dent in the GOP propaganda machine.