
So Long, Powerline

kellino9/11/2009 1:46:40 pm PDT

As an avid reader of both blogs (since Rathergate) I am not going to take sides here, but express some remorse that it has come to this.

I value Powerline very highly and they have some very good writers and thoughtful posts. While I think that Charles has raised some very valid questions on Wilders, European fascists, etc. I enjoy seeing both sides respond and I choose for myself which points I agree with.

I don’t think it is fair or accurate to label Powerline as having ODS and being a hate site, etc. Like LGF they noted that the President’s school speech was harmless except for finding it odd how much the President spoke about himself.

Sure Powerline is a very partisan site but that’s the raison d’etre given the media and political environment of the day. There’s too many fighting lines being drawn and things aren’t that black and white. It’s sad to see so much “us vs. them” between these blogs. I think there’s room for both and I will continue to read and enjoy both.