
Breivik Inspiration 'Fjordman' Reveals Identity

CuriousLurker8/06/2011 12:50:30 pm PDT

re: #285 Thaara

So,what would be the problem sir?
I dont judge people like you do to me, I read articles and choose what is relevant for me. So I read those sites, same as you do, big deal..and?
What? accusing me of what?
Why you blocked me?

I am not a sir. The problem would be that you link to anti-Muslim hate sites and I am Muslim. You, like me, like anyone, will be judged by the company you keep.

The fact that you say you consider sites that promote the worst sort of bigotry and venomous distortions about Islam & Muslims “relevant” is bad enough; that you also go so far as to actually recommend them on your blog is even worse. Those are not “accusations”, they are observations that anyone reading this can verify for themselves.

Jihad Watch is a well known anti-Muslim site, and one that was favored by the terrorist Breivik prior to his murderous attacks, according to his manifesto. Additionally, Robert Spencer is persona non grata here (as is Pamela Geller, whose febrile rantings are also mentioned on your blog.)

The BNI site’s masthead consists of a photo of a mosque being consumed by a fiery mushroom cloud. Just under that, the current top blog post shows a photo of Herman Cain cursing Muslims while brandishing a pistol. A bit further down is another post, from August 5, referring to Muslims as “pigs fouling the streets of Jerusalem” and calling for the bombing of the al-Aqsa mosque. That sort of hate speech is Kahanist territory.

If my profile linked to to my blog and it “recommended” anti-Semitic hate sites that referrred to Jews as “pigs”, called for the destruction of a Jewish holy site, showed an image of a synagogue being consumed by a mushroom cloud, promoted things like blood libel, Holocaust denial, and Jewish conspiracy theories such as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, what would the decent people here at LGF here think of me? Not anything good, and I wouldn’t blame them.

You linked to your blog in your public profile knowing full well that people would click on it, so please cut the melodrama about being “bullied” and about your blog being “stalked”. If anyone knows about blogs being stalked it’s Charles, and that’s NOT what’s happening to you.

I blocked you on Twitter because I want nothing whatsoever to do with you or anyone who finds bigotry & hatred towards any group of their fellow human beings acceptable. It is morally reprehensible and goes against every shred of human decency my parents instilled in me.

I’ve wasted enough of my day explaining what should be obvious. I have nothing else to say to you.