
Breitbart's John Nolte Says Bill O'Reilly is Nuts, Pamela Geller Is Just Like Jesus

ObserverArt5/09/2015 10:44:50 am PDT

So, if I get Dark’s comment, Rubio, Cruz, Jindal, and Carson could never be Klansmen because all they are doing is what it takes to get the nomination and then they will change up and proceed to distance themselves from any crazy connections.

I guess instead of KKK sheets, they attach flea collars around their necks and go in wearing full hazard suits to keep down the diseases.

I look at them as animal handlers at the zoo who feed the monkeys and then get to clean up all the flung dung later so when the new visitors show up the next day it doesn’t smell too bad.

And just like animal handlers, they are not qualified to be holding high offices in this country. But no way they are KKK.

Is that about it Dark?