
The Day Before House Intelligence Demanded an Answer From Trump, He Admits He Didn't Record James Comey

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/22/2017 5:16:57 pm PDT

The birth of writing, from the very beginning of the world!!!

Inscriptions showing early hieroglyphic writing discovered at site south of Luxor

An archaeological mission from Yale University has discovered a new rock inscription site near the village of El-Khawy near Luxor, during their excavation work on the Elkab Desert Survey Project in collaboration with the Ministry of Antiquities.

The inscriptions range in date from the early Predynastic Period, which spanned approx. 4,000 to 3,500 BC, through to the Old Kingdom (approx. 2,686 BC to 2181 BC).


Probably carved by Methuselah or one of those cats.