
Holocaust-Denying Bishop Needs 'More Evidence'

jcw462/09/2009 7:33:57 am PST

re: #191 J.S.

yeah, as we’ve gathered from reading the newspapers, Holocaust denial is A-Okay with the Catholic church - no problems there. (Do you notice any cognitive dissonance about that claim of the pope’s wanting to “ameliorate fast-growing antisemitism?”)

Isn’t the key here “reading the newspapers”? Like the media has NO agenda and wouldn’t THINK of highlighting the stupidities of people to use as a label for an entire group. Gee WHAT other large political organization uses GROUP THINK to influence others?

The media in general is anti-Religion. In particular they hate:

1a. Catholics
1b. Christians (especially southern baptists)
2. Jews (if they’re conservative/fundamentalist/Hasidic or live in Israel)
3. All others (who cares what these little people in 3rd world countries get up with their weird “religions”/cults.)
1000. The “Religion Of Peace” (this rarely happens because as we all know; the followers of “The Religion Of Peace” will burn our buildings, printing presses and torture/kill our journalists if we tell the truth)