
Gingrich Now Blames MSNBC for Right Wing Backlash Over Mandela

Blind Frog Belly White12/09/2013 4:09:02 pm PST

re: #278 Backwoods_Sleuth

My high school as I remember it

my high school today…sigh

They tore down my High School somewhere back in the 1990s. Not sure why. It was mostly new in the early 1960s, part of the big school building craze.

When I saw the empty site, I was pole-axed. All those memories, gone. The locker room where Coach Emanuel hung pithy quotes from Vince Lombardi; the pay phone that you could shout into and your parents could hear your tiny voice saying “Come pick me up!”; Mrs. Culp’s classroom, with two-step dais she used to sit on wearing very short skirts; the glass door Roxey Johnson nearly walked through; the Cafeteria where they held the Prom my senior year; the classroom where I tortured Herr Hawbaker mercilessly and he accepted it, along with everyone cheating off my paper during vocab quizzes; the chemistry lab where Mr. Hibbs nearly succeeded in gassing all of us with ammonia and chlorine gases.

All gone. I had a sad.