
Monday Afternoon Open

Killgore Trout1/12/2009 4:12:19 pm PST

Another victory for free speech in the UK…..
Ofcom: Atkinson’s bible spoof was not offensive

Atkinson delivered the sketch as if reciting from the bible when he described Jesus turning water into wine, describing the event as if it was a magic trick.

It included the lines: “And they said unto the Lord:’How the hell did you do that?’ And inquired of him: ‘Do you do children’s parties?’ And the Lord said: ‘No.’ But the servants did press him, saying: ‘Go on, give us another one’.”

Viewers complained that as the monologue continued, Atkinson described Jesus making a white rabbit appear and sawing a woman in half, adding that when the Romans saw his miracles, “they absolutely crucified him.”

The complainants considered the sketch to be offensive and blasphemous, while some questioned whether a similar sketch would be permissible if the subject had been another religion, such as Islam.