
Thursday Morning Open

Dianna9/17/2009 10:39:38 am PDT

re: #269 Charles

I don’t see how you can make that claim at all, when people like Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan and Ann Coulter are everywhere on the right wing, and when the right wing blogosphere unites to support a flat-out white supremacist like Robert Stacy McCain.

I think I can make it because 1) Ron Paul is a loon - and most people who aren’t obsessively following the internet would ask “Who?” if you mentioned his name; 2) Pat Buchanan has always been an anti-semite and bigot; P.J. O’Rourke wrote an article about it back in the early 90’s; and 3) Ann Coulter throws rhetorical bombs, and has lost most of her popularity.

As to the support for R. S. McCain, I don’t know what to say.

But I do not accept - not for one second - the idea that there is a rising tide of racism, or a growing acceptance of bigotry.