
Video: The War on Women's Right to Choose

Gus7/05/2011 11:09:45 pm PDT

re: #292 ggt

If anyone is superior it is because they get off their ass and go to work everyday and make their own way in the world, do the best they can in raising their children and try to live by their principles. What your father’s father did doesn’t mean shit as far as the present generation is concerned.

Both the sins and accomplishments of the father do not pass to the son . .IMHO.

Thanks. I know. Despite all this I think I ended up converting them so to speak. They sure had a lot of strange old-world baggage about them. Some of it wasn’t very pretty. I’m also sure having lived here for over 50 years helped them change themselves.

Argentina also has a lot of other weird practices. For instance they’re also allowed to openly discriminate according to age. Perhaps that changed but when I last looked you could set age limits for employment out in the open. So you get the combined European preferences with age discrimination.