
Overnight Open Thread

soxfan4life6/29/2009 5:26:05 am PDT

re: #289 Tigger2005

I just don’t get the whole “letting gays marry will destroy the institution of marriage” thing. Why? How? I don’t see the logic. Will heterosexual couples take their marriages less seriously because homosexual couples can marry as well? Why?

Some people say if you let gays marry you’ve removed obstacles to every other kind of marriage (the “slippery slope” argument). But there are very sound arguments against allowing multiple wives, multiple husbands, group marriages, people marrying pets, and so on. I cannot think of any sound reason for not permitting two adults to make a legal commitment to one another.

Why not leave it at a civil union then. Marriage between a man and woman has been part of our history for as long as it has been recorded and is ingrained in many religions. Do we force every religion to change their doctrine as well? I could care less what 2 or more consenting adults do, but if someone doesn’t agree with the alternative lifestyle and doesn’t want their children taught it in school or be forced to accept it, don’t they have that right? Much like racism, intolerance to homosexuality cannot be legislated out of existence.