
Stephen Colbert: The Norwegian Muslish Terrorist's Islam-esque Atrocity

Lidane7/26/2011 9:49:04 pm PDT

re: #284 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Though if memory serves, it was Taylor Marsh who started that PUMA crap - I could be wrong…after a while those sites, DKos, MyDD, FDL, etc., started to all sound alike to me.

Taylor Marsh was huge on the PUMA bandwagon. There were a bunch of other blogs like MyDD and FDL that were all over that like white on rice.

DKos, however, wasn’t one of them. Kos basically told all the PUMA assholes and racists to take a hike from his blog. I remember one blogger getting all butthurt about feeling slighted as a PUMA and she threatened a blogger strike, comparing it to the very real Hollywood writers strike that was going on at the time. People at DKos did NOT take kindly to it.

There was a massive split at DKos then, sort of like when Charles started purging the bigots here at LGF.

Larry Johnson, rotfl

I call him Agent Flowbee, since he looks like he cuts his hair with a Flowbee and he claims to have been a CIA agent, but I’ve never once believed him.