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Walter L. Newton6/15/2009 4:10:23 pm PDT

re: #263 Democratic Socialist

For those of us who are clammoring for the president to make a firebreathing speech denouncing the recent fraudulant election results in Iran. I would remind you that the first President Bush said next to nothing during the destruction of the Berlin Wall. He may have caught a lot of greef from various political reactionaries from both the left and the right for it, but in the long run it looks like it was the logical thing to do.

Why let the Iranian heirarchy use a speech from the president as a propaganda tool? Using it to stir up hardline support, by saying these protesters are nothing more than hired goons of the United States and the West?

Sure. If you haven’t noticed, the Iranian government has already been making PUBLIC statements that all the protest and riots are the work of the West.

If NO ONE said a word, if there was not an ounce of criticism from anyone in the West, they would still be blaming this on the West.

Come on, get real.