
Robert Spencer Joins Genocidal Facebook Group

Aye Pod2/11/2009 10:19:51 pm PST

re: #203 Charles

It’s a blatantly and proudly fascist group which clearly admires nazi aims and methods. re: #197 miguelj

Nope. This is not satire. The following paragraphs for example clearly make no sense whatsover as part of a parody of Palestinian/Arab belligerence and can be seen as nothing but an attempt to put a veneer of moral legitimacy on their own racism:

4. If you are a full blood White then try to live within a predominantly White area, especially if you are raising offspring of compatibly similar racial stock! - This does not however, mean that you should be unfriendly towards non-White people, on the contrary the more friendly towards all races and peoples you are the more your concerns will benefit from even handed recognition!

5. Do not use collective racial hatered of an entire group or disproportionate violence against ethnic minorities in order to prosecute your legitimate anxieties over the destruction of your people’s ethnic sovereignty in their own native lands, as this only adds fuel to the liberal-left propaganda machine!

6. Do not try to ‘brainwash’ your children into taking your political philosophy at face value, as this invariably results in the alienation of the young and the further fragmentation of national society. Instead allow your children to mix freely with the world around them, but at the same time guide them away from Marxo-Nihilist political agendas such as ‘Muliculturalism’, ‘Cultural Relativism’, ‘Colonial Guilt’, ‘Holocaust Guilt’, ‘Islamic Integration’, ‘Positive Discrimination’ and ‘Affirmative Action’!