
Video: Interviews with the Beck Fans

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/30/2010 9:28:28 pm PDT

re: #259 tnguitarist

I don’t have a college education. Life happened. I do educate myself about the issues, though. I don’t think a person has to have a doctorate to discuss the issues, but it does help if you educate yourself on the issues you wish to speak about.

And I didn’t say that one needed a PhD. to vote.

I am saying that if you are so stupid that you think Beck is a great leader, then you are clearly not mentally capable of voting rationally.

Why is voting held less seriously than driving a car? We don’t let impared people drive.

We should as a society insulate ourselves from the equivalent of drunken voting.

Now where the line is, or how to implement it fairly I do not know. I think it is something like pornography where something can be clearly over the line - even if you do not know where it is - however, I would think that believing that Beck is anything rational or sensible is prima-fascia evidence of inability to reason and makes one prima fascia incompetent to vote.