
Cap-and-Trade Passes House

eon6/26/2009 5:25:56 pm PDT

re: #232 hazzyday

I wonder if I am reading these things wrong.

Is carbon = carbon dioxide? Or are they referring to carbon (C)? This is the one area I am an element chart nazi. I just think they are trying to fool me out of money by referring to soot as the problem.

All new government agencies and acts really do is remove money from the pockets of the taxpayers and give it to the legislators friends. That is government beyond market rules and defense in a nutshell. The common good here is poorly identified.

The best way to work over AGW is to raise the gas tax and to offer to help China green up. For every green kindergartner here learning to conserve there are two in China smoking cigarettes. let people self regulate.

They’re using “carbon” as a buzzword for any carbon-bearing compound; CO, CO2, any sort of hydrocarbon, etc. And, in a neat bit of legerdemain, they’ve also defined water vapor as a “greenhouse gas”. Which means that anything that puts water vapor into the air will be defined as a Global Warming Facilitator (which, in their fantasyland, is sort of like being somebody who clubs baby seals to death just for fun).

Look for Cap N’ Trade to be used to “capture” whole new categories of activities, businesses, etc., all of which will be pilloried as “GWFs” and forced to pay oppressive taxes, or simply banned.

For instance, water vapor (referringf to above) accounts for better than 95% of the exahust of modern automobiles, because emission controls today are just that efficient. (J.D. Power & Associates Annual Report, 2008, quoted in this month’s Road & Track.) So, CO and CO2 aren’t enough of engine exhaust into the open air today to allow them to put sharp limits on, or ban, automobiles (banning them being the “gold standard” of the neo-Luddite/socialist left).

But, if they call that 95% water vapor a “Global Warming Facilitator”-


Never underestimate the duplicity, viciousness, and plain sadism of our “enlightened elite’”.

Remember- They Don’t Like You.

