
New From Seth Meyers: Trump Supporters Think He Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/11/2018 5:17:22 am PDT

Paying a full-timer worker $12/hr for hard labor is why that guy can’t find workers.

So much of the American “dream” depends upon good wages.

And these days $12/hr is not a good wage.

Even in Kentucky.

If you are from El Salvador then making 500 US dollars a week is probably a good opportunity if you can send a couple of hundred dollars of it back home.

Because it’s cheaper to live in El Salvador.

Cheaper than Kentucky.

People will just have to cut their own damn grass.

Well, ok, the dead in the cemetery can’t, but then again, they don’t care.

And why don’t local communities have full time parks staff to do these things for cemeteries?

Oh, that’s right, because the locals have been indoctrinated to believe that taxes are evil.