
Seth Meyers Brings It Again: Trump's Cruel Lies About His Family Separation Policy

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam6/19/2018 3:31:59 am PDT

re: #296 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

trading short-term gains against long-term benefits.

Imagine what the German war industry might have produced with Jewish scientists working on bombs, aircraft and rockets for it…

Werner Heisenberg was related to Jews, IIRC, perhaps by marriage. There is some debate whether he and other scientists working on the German A-bomb “dragged their heels” to delay completion of the project. I’d need to look it up in Richard Rhodes’ history of the atomic bomb, which I don’t have handy now.

Hitler and the Reich mistrusted “Jewish science,” so few if any of the scientists had Jewish connections. Heisenberg may have been given a pass, because he was one of Germany’s most brilliant minds.