
Something You Won't See Every Day: Lachy Doley, "Voodoo Child" (On the Whammy Clavinet))

A Mom Anon8/25/2021 5:08:10 pm PDT

Anyone know what to do if you lose your vaccine card? The kid can’t find his. Shit.

We got our shots at the drive thru mass vaccination site nearest us back in mid-April and end of April. Those places are shit down now, they were run by the National Guard I think. I have mine and the kid got his the same day, same time, he was just in a different line than me. He’s calling his Vegas hotel to see if anyone found it and searched his bags, laundry and car and doesn’t remember taking it out of the bag when he unpacked it. So yeah it’s gone or in someone’s pocket. Lordy, I need some weed.