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TedStriker9/18/2009 11:08:20 pm PDT

re: #287 iceweasel

Maher: And if today’s conservatives are insulted by this, because they feel they’re better than the people who have the microphone in their party, then I say to them what I would say to moderate Muslims: Denounce your radicals. To paraphrase George W. Bush, either you’re with them or you’re embarrassed by them.

I also generally can’t stand most things that fly out of Bill Maher’s piehole, but he at least has this right (and it’s been something that Charles and most of us have been saying for a while now)…unfortunately, the Republican Party is running to embrace their crazies, not reject them. The only way conservatives are going to earn power again is to tell the Paulians, the Birchers, and the racists to fuck off, and I don’t see that happening anytime soon, sadly.

/are you listening, Ed and AP (among others)?