
Chile Quake Shifted Earth's Axis

SanFranciscoZionist3/02/2010 2:36:46 pm PST

re: #266 Aceofwhat?

I’m only saying that it’s illogical to enumerate motivations for an action if the action is never permissible.

We’re enumerating types of actions in order to define the action. The basic problem with bullying is that, as Osama bin Laden so accurately pointed out to us, people like the strong horse, and the bully is often the strong horse, the voice of social approval.

Kids who are being bullied get told:

“Let me teach you to kick a ball so those guys won’t call you a faggot.”

“Maybe if you go over there at lunch and talk to those kids instead of reading in the library, they’ll stop making fun of you for reading so much.”

“Well, maybe if you make some GIRL friends, and don’t hang out with the guys all the time, they won’t call you a slut”.

“If you didn’t dress like a goth, they’d stop pointing and leaving messages calling you ‘Columbine Killer’ in your locker.”

“The other students won’t call you ‘fucking dykes’ if you stop holding hands on campus so much.”

“If you don’t cry when they bully you, they’ll stop.”

This is common. The message is: fix yourself, and maybe they’ll leave you alone. The message behind that: they’re right.

We need to clarify what counts as bullying. It cannot be left to common sense. Adding sexuality to the definition is important, because it’s far too common in our present society to think that calling another child a faggot is casual teasing.

‘At’s all.