
New From Seth Meyers: Trump's Walls and Wheels and Barriers and Vehicles

austin_blue1/10/2019 9:09:05 pm PST

Last comment CL’d! Brilliant!

re: #314 HappyWarrior

She’s good.

She *is* good. She’s open to criticism that she is learning as she goes along. And she is a master of twitter snark. Note also that she was a producer of that BU video. And a hell of a dancer. She’s got a certain charisma, and you don’t get that by being an idiot.

I look forward to her impact this Congressional session.

I mean, really, why isn’t a 70% tax on families making over $10 million a year reasonable? We have a graduated tax structure where all income below $10 million is taxed at a lower level.

It’s not like if you make $10,000,001 a year the government is going to reduce your income to $3 million dollars, and if you make $9,999,999, your income would be $6.3 million.

Sadly, the vast majority of Americans have no idea what graduated tax is and how it works.

If we dropped a 70% tax on all income over $10 million/year we would be in much better shape.

If we reinstituted the “Death Tax” on family wealth (with reasonable exceptions) we would be in much better shape.

Oh, and if we removed the Social Security Tax cap and required the that tax be applied to *all* income, SS would be much closer to out of the hole tomorrow.

And if we indexed Capital Gains and treated it as income, we would be much closer to being out of the Medicare/Medicaid hole tomorrow.

It won’t happen, of course, but it would go a long way to attack the deficit.