
Is Donald Trump Being Targeted by the Deep State? - SOME MORE NEWS

KGxvi1/22/2019 9:46:32 pm PST

Interesting piece over at The Ringer about the potential future of football. I didn’t realize that in the early 20th century most California universities and high schools dropped gridiron football for rugby football. But the thing that I thought a lot of people around here would get a kick out of is this line:

“Now all of a sudden I’m a liberal because I have common sense and I look at science?” she says. “Has our country gone into the gutter so far that you can troll grieving parents and it’s OK? … How could a topic about child safety become political?”

The “she” is an activist for youth-sports safety named Kimberly Archie. Archie was a Young Republicans president in college and campaigned for Sonny Bono when he ran for Congress.

There’s a lot there as well about how football is shaped by culture or vice versa. Worth the read, I think, because I think it taps into something wider in our current cultural divide.